Settle For Nothing
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hello everyone, we are Settle For Nothing a south jersey rap-core/hard rock band, the band was started by ex-Nevertheless members Pete(drums) and me, Fred (guitarist),shortly after NTL disbanded Josh L.(rap/lyricists) and Mike L.(singer/screamer) wanted to join, since we dont have a bassist at the moment b/c Mark O. will be away for the summer, my sister Brenda will be playing bass,(i know what your thinking but shes better then you think), anyway we hope to be playing lots of shows for all of you in the future thanx...Fred, SFN
6/4/02 We are having our 1st practice tomorrow
We will be looking for shows for the summer so if anyone knows of any please let one of us know, thanx

for booking contact e-mail to
or i/m knowyurenemy54